July 21 - 28
Corn is controversial these days. To the die-hard environmentalists and naturalists and such, corn is regarded as a monocrop that contributes to the industrialized food system that’s responsible for the demise of decent public health outcomes because of the development of processed foods. From high fructose corn syrup to maltodextrin, many of the food additives associated with our obsession with convenient and packaged foods are derived from corn. Corn was developed from a wild grass grown in Mexico about 10,000 years ago. Although most of the corn grown in the US currently is used as animal feed, it is still a viable food source for humans in its pure form. Corn is abundant in the B vitamins, thiamin, niacin, and folate, as well as the minerals phosphorus and magnesium. And, of course, there’s nothing as tasty as Jersey corn in the peak of summer. Boiled, grilled, roasted, or raw, there are so many ways to enjoy. Yum!
Fresh corn pasta with basil
12 oz. cooked pasta of your choice
4 cups fresh corn off the cob
1 Tbs butter or vegan substitute
3 cloves garlic, minced
½ cup of Parmesan cheese or vegan substitute
1/3 cup blanched almonds
1/3 cup olive oil
1 cup basil
Sautee garlic in butter for 30 seconds, then add corn and heat for 5 minutes.
Remove ¾ cups of corn and add remaining corn, cheese, almonds, and olive oil to food processor and blend until smooth. Return to pan and add whole corn back to pan to heat.
Add pasta and basil and mix. Season with salt and pepper.